About hero

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Our Story

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The Tidy Team

Team 01
Team 02
Team 03

Our team

Hoppscotch is a collaborative open source API development platform that makes it easy to build high-quality APIs — without the bloat and clutter of other tools.

Team member 01
Sergey Filkov

Chief Executive Officer

Team member 02
Mary Champ

Chief Technology Officer

Team member 03
Mark Varsano

Product Manager

Team member 04
George Hurley

Product Engineer

Team member 05
Ellie Lepisov

Product Engineer

Team member 06
Connor Bal

Product Engineer

Team member 07
Marko Sharma

Product Engineer

Team member 08
Mick Esposito

Product Engineer

Team member 09
Daniel Smith

Product Engineer

Team member 10
Patricia Long

Product Engineer

Open positions

You will be responsible for designing, building and maintaining core services and the infrastructure that supports our software development, deployment, and operations. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the scalability, reliability, and security of our systems.
You will be tasked with planning and building performant, robust and highly interactive frontend systems for the main Hoppscotch client. You will have to collaborate with our team and build smooth and intuitive user experiences along with the internal subsystems to support it for developers such as yourself and our millions of users worldwide.
Joseph Jacks
Hoppscotch is the future of API development infrastructure, and the future is here.

Make Better APIs

Trusted by millions of developers to build, test and share APIs.