v2023.8.1 Improvement
Bug fixes and performance improvements
We dedicate this release to Abraham Raji, a free/libre software advocate, "Treat people as you expect to be treated" advocate and a Debian developer.
- Re-introduce support for arm64 for Docker Hub containers.
- Removed zen mode from the app.
- Remove font sizes from the app.
- Broken link to REST API Testing docs.
- Unusual behavior while scrolling through spotlight entries.
- Context-menu position while scrolling.
- Duplicate tab reference bug.
- Dirty tab count incorrect when closing tabs.
- Sticky searchbar hidden in codemirror.
- Scrollbar from smart envInput component in Firefox.
- Missing baseurl on import from OpenAPI specification.
- Updated i18n strings for Vietnamese, Indonesian and Russian languages.
- Keyboard shortcuts now supports different keyboard layouts including Dvorak.
- Update error messages.