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December 19, 2023

v2023.12.0 Improvement Feature

Bug fixes and performance improvements

We update the Hoppscotch app as often as possible to help make it faster and more reliable for you. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Collection-level Header and Auth

When you add a header or auth to a collection, it will be applied to all requests in that collection. This is useful for adding an auth token or API key to all requests in a collection.

Shared Requests with Widgets

You can now share requests with widgets. This is useful for sharing requests with your team or with the public.

  • Embed: Create a mini-version of Hoppscotch that you can embed in an HTML page, allowing your audience to interact with your API request.
  • Button: Generate a button with a link to the request that can be added to an HTML or Markdown file.
  • Links: Generate a raw, HTML, or Markdown link to the request.

Easily manage your self-hosted server configurations

We've also made improvements to Hoppscotch's self-host feature. You can manage your server configurations directly from the self-host admin dashboard. You can configure authentication providers, as well as manage your SMTP settings from the dashboard. For self-hosted enterprise versions, you can use the dashboard to configure your license and set up extra services like audit logs.

  • Shared requests and widgets.
  • Collection-level header and auth.
  • Self-hosted server configuration.
  • Interceptor error display in GraphQL response.
  • Support for subpath based access.
  • Convert JSON responses to type safe interfaces.
  • New profile avatars.
  • Replaced WindiCSS with TailwindCSS.
  • Display status text from the API response if available.
  • Enlarged logo on admin dashboard login screen.
  • XML body disappearing with invalid XML.
  • Email validation failure in admin dashboard.
  • Move persistence logic into a dedicated service.
  • Services system to better manage infra.